Citizen Voice Body

Cymru Older Peoples Alliance response to the consultation document Citizen Voice Body – guidance on access, representations and NHS service change can be read HERE.

Some of the main points made in our response to the questions set out in the Consultation are:

  • Guidance needs strengthening that the functions of the Citizen Voice Body do not extend to inspection of premises or services”
  • the Code should be clarified i.e. those in social care who have their own contractual arrangements with providers not through commissioned services which makes clear CVB visits involving them are a matter of choice and agreement
  • Many older people in Care Homes and receiving Domiciliary Care are reliant on the family and /or friends, particularly if they have reduced or limited capacity. Their involvement as appropriate should be on a firmer basis than stated e.g. use of the term “must”
  • No mention is made of avoiding duplication with in particular Care Standards Inspectorate and the Commissioner for Older People. The arrangements should be transparent so individuals and representative bodies are clear about how it will all work
  • there should be a legal requirement for NHS bodies to comply with the guidance on service change. If it is not a legal requirement then it will not happen. In the current economic climate and pressures on the NHS, good practice can be easily ignored
  • The expansion of CVB into social care services is a significant development that needs to be handled with priority and on a co-productive basis

You can see the consultation HERE: Citizen Voice Body – guidance on access, representations and NHS service change | GOV.WALES

Further resources: COPA have had productive discussions with Llais about how older people can benefit from the new structures – note of meeting Here

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