The creation of an Age Friendly Wales is a key strategic goal for the Welsh Government set out in their Strategy for an Ageing Society. Cymru Older Peoples Alliance (COPA) has made public commitments to work collaboratively to support AFC development in Wales and this provides a short report on progress.
An age-friendly community is somewhere where local people come together to make life better for the people who live there, particularly as they age. It is a place where older people can live independently and continue to do the things that are important to them.
COPA have been a strong advocate for Age Friendly Communities since the initiative was launched in 2021. Our Framework for Engagement of Older People in AFCs was published in 2022 [Framework For Engagement Of Older People In Development Of Age Friendly Communities – Copa Charity ] with support from the previous Commissioner. We very much welcome the progress made already by some Councils and the recent recognition by the World Health Organisation (WHO) about the momentum beginning to emerge in Wales. Appointment of AFC Champions by all Councils is also very much welcomed. COPA and local forums work closely with some Council AFC leads and have been pleased to see the tangible examples that are benefiting local communities and their older people. COPA has worked closely with the Commissioner’s Office through the Partnership Group as well as members of the Community of Practice and the Evaluation Group and participated directly in the main Conference in November 2023 . COPA will continue to demonstrate its direct commitment to support AFC development in Wales.
From COPAs position of strong support for the concept and practice of AFCs, we want to set out the issues we think need to be addressed to make Wales an age-friendly nation on a more comprehensive and consistent basis However, there is still a long way to go, and we have sent proposals to the Welsh Government and new Commissioner about the issues we want to see addressed to make [ ] . Our proposals include:
- The synergy between Age Friendly Communities and the role of independent Forums for Older People should be maximised and support given by the Welsh Government and Local Authorities to revitalize the network of Forums around Wales to meet local circumstances.
- Application to and acceptance by WHO should be seen as a starting point, not promoted as a “badge” of success. AFCs should develop from WHO acceptance with clear planning and commitment over a number of years.
- Whilst Councils have a pivotal role in developing AFCs, more emphasis on individual town and community councils is required, as AFC tends to be the communities that people live in rather than a county.
- More emphasis and commitment are needed on working with older people and local communities rather than working for them
- Whilst it is encouraging that 50% of Councils are already part of the WHO network or are preparing applications, COPA wants 100% of Councils fully involved so that older people in some areas do not miss out
- There should be a stronger correlation between Age Friendly and Well-being which have a number of common goals
- Funding to Councils for AFC development – a commitment must be made to provide funding for Councils in 2025-26 if the ambitions for AFCs are to be realized.
Early in 2025 COPA will be meeting the Welsh Government Minister, Dawn Bowden and the Commissioner for Older People Rhian Bowen Davies to discuss our views on AFCs and their development.
Cymru Older Peoples Alliance
December 2024