Age discrimination in society and its consequences for older people in Wales is a campaigning priority for Cymru Older Peoples Alliance (COPA).
Ageism is the stereotyping, prejudice and/or discrimination against people on the basis of their age or perceived age. Ageism can apply to any age group. Research shows that ageism is an everyday problem for older people and Wales and affects their quality of life. It is clear that older people are not a homogeneous group and have as wide a diversity and differing circumstances as any other age group.
COPA wrote to the Welsh Government responsible Minister to highlight the adverse consequences of age discrimination and its impact on older people and society. We have also published articles to highlight the adverse impacts of age discrimination. The proposal we have put forward is to build towards a National Debate on Ageism in Wales that is developed during 2024 for launch in 2025. The Minister provided a positive response, and it has been agreed that a Ministerial Advisory Forum on Ageing working Group should be established. That Group, of which COPA is a member, has already met on a number of occasions and is making good progress. Some significant themes are emerging:
- Age Discrimination – Harms Fears and Links to Abuse
- Age Stereotypes
- Self-Perceptions of Ageing and Subjective Age
- Intersectional aspects of ageism. e.g. across adulthood, disability, race, gender, LGBTQ etc.
- Intergenerational solidarity
- Ageism – focus on healthy ageing rather than vulnerability,
- Age Discrimination in Employment
This is an issue that is too important to sideline or put off to another time. The Centre for Better Ageing has already taken the initiative but in England only with a campaign on Ageism “Age Without Limits” Action Day resources to download | Age without limits. There is a solid foundation to work from in Wales from action already taken by the Commissioner for Older People and Age Cymru on Age Discrimination.
COPA has raised this campaign now, but we see our charity as part of a Wales team approach to give greater prominence and direction to a fundamental problem for older people in our society. There are a wide range of potential actions to take but importantly a Debate of this significance needs to be over a period of time – rather than “one-off” and aim to influence fundamental change across society towards ageism. The starting point is to raise awareness and improve understanding of ageism and age discrimination. We very much welcome the forthcoming National Debate and look forward to making a positive contribution.
Cymru Older Peoples Alliance
December 2024